Breathe for Better Sleep


Is it true that there are ways you could breathe for better sleep?

If you’re struggling with sleep, breathing differently may seem too simple. After all, we spend millions of dollars here in the U.S. every year trying to solve our sleep issues. Not to mention the millions of other currencies spent around the world.

Sleep seems to be a problem for a lot of us, wherever we lay our heads.

But breathing? We all breathe all day and all night. How can that be the solution?

Turns out it’s all in the way we breathe.

Controlled Breathing is the Key

You may be familiar with the term pranayama, commonly used with practicing yoga.

“Pranayama is a Sanskrit word formed by the conjunction of
two words, namely “prana,” meaning breath of life/vital energy, and
“ayama,” meaning expansion/regulation/control.”

Different kinds of pranayama, or breathing techniques, serve different purposes. Some are meant to center your energy or your mind, others energize your body or raise your mental energy. Others still will calm both mind and body.

Moon breathing, which is a kind of alternate nostril breathing, is thought to aid in falling asleep.

Now we’re talking!

Go It Alone?

Your autonomous nervous system keeps you breathing constantly without having to think about it or control it. During the day, many of us restrict our breathing unconsciously. Between stress levels and trying to suck in our tummies, we fall into the habit of shallow chest breathing. Barring any apnea issues, most of us breathe quite a lot better, deeper, and more rhythmically while asleep.

That’s half the battle. We’re already breathing. Now controlling the breath is something anyone can do on their own with just a little information.

Use your common sense and follow the advice your parents or grandparents may have given you growing up. “Take a deep breath!”

It’s straightforward and free for anyone to sit still or lie in bed and simply concentrate on breathing deeply and rhythmically. You can do it for a minute, or several, or until you’re relaxed enough to fall asleep.

If you need a little more guidance, there’s no shortage of websites, YouTube videos and podcasts that can quickly show you some basic techniques and exercises to learn and do on your own.

Need Some Help?

If you tend to get distracted when trying to regulate your breathing on your own, or you just feel stuck and don’t know where to start, you may benefit from a tool to follow along with.

Relaxation and sleep apps are a great way to have a guide talk you through your breathing. There are both free and paid versions of most apps like this.

Amazon and other sellers offer breathing “helper” devices that are relatively inexpensive. Many of them also act as a noise machine and nightlight. These little guys are often cute shapes like bears, owls, or meditation stones in soft, soothing colors.

Another compact device is the Moonbird, calling itself “the world’s first handheld breathing coach to alleviate stress, which may help to reduce anxiety and sleeping problems.” This is a bit higher price point, but the tactile nature of feeling the breathing in the hand is something many users love.

And soon to be released (Q4 of 2024) for kids is the Moonbuddy. Soft and comfortable silicone shapes like little blue bird (Bibi) or brown bear (Barry), it guides kids through four different breathing patterns, helping them slow down, calm down, and fall asleep more easily.

Just Breathe

You’ve got plenty of choices if you’d like to try to breathe for better sleep. Don’t let the choices overwhelm you. Just start somewhere and see if breathing slowly and steadily calms your body and your mind.

Good sleeping! is owned and operated by Sleep Satisfaction, LLC. Information found on this site, or other sites linked to by us, is not intended to replace the advice of qualified physicians or healthcare professionals. Please consult your physician for advice concerning any medical condition and/or treatment.