Falling asleep can be tough. When you have a lot on your mind, it’s hard to let go of it all just because you settle into your bed for the night. If that sounds familiar, you might be able to use cognitive games to help you fall asleep. That feeling of your mind spinning around, worrying, thinking about what you need to do, dreading the next day – it’s known by various names. Monkey mind, mental chatter, restless mind, racing thoughts. Whatever you call it, when it keeps you up at night, it’s bad. There are plenty of techniques that …

Cognitive Games to Help You Fall Asleep Read more »

Have you ever used relaxing music or other audio to help you fall asleep? There are tons available on streaming services, podcasts, or for purchase to listen to on your phone or devices. But have you ever considered that visuals can help you sleep, all by themselves? By visuals I mean anything from a still image like a photo or painting, to the view of the world out your bedroom window or the stars through a skylight, to an image or video you can watch on a screen. In particular, visuals featuring calming nature scenes signal to our brains that …

Visuals Can Help You Sleep Read more »

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything” Irish Proverb. Sleep and laughter. Both are universal experiences every human knows and understands. Both are enjoyed, luxuriated in, coveted – and sometimes elusive. Both sleep and laughter are good for us. Doctors often recommend and have even been known to prescribe one or the other for better health, both mental and physical. So why not use them to enhance each other? By laughing yourself to sleep. Luckily for us, sleep and laughter go so well together, there are plenty of clips for us to share …

Laugh Yourself to Sleep Read more »

So…to sleep better, I need to have a positive mindset? Lack of sleep = negative mindset You probably intuitively understand that when you don’t sleep well or enough, you often wake up in a bad mood or feeling pessimistic. Waking up “on the wrong side of the bed” as it were. And there are studies showing that may be true. One such study published in the Journal of Sleep Research notes that we may be “more likely to be irritable and frustrated” when we’re short on sleep. The study also “suggests that sleep-deprived people are likely to perceive emotional stimuli …

A Positive Mindset Helps You Sleep Read more »

Falling asleep fast is a skill I have been blessed with for most of my life so far. I’ve been one of those irritating people who can basically just go horizontal and drift off within minutes. On the floor, on the couch, in a recliner, in bed. It hasn’t seemed to matter. My brain just seems to have been wired to easily fall into slumber when I give it the cues of lying down and closing my eyes. For most of my life, I said. Oh, I would still call myself a “good sleeper” in comparison to a lot of …

Sweet Music Helps You Relax and Fall Asleep Fast Read more »

Sometimes all you need to fall asleep more easily is a little help in the form of a distraction, or some relaxation. Better yet, something that does both. I often find my mind spinning a thousand miles an hour after I climb in bed and turn the light off. That’s when my brain decides it needs to “solve the world’s problems” (mom quote!). I used to watch TV to distract my monkey-mind, and I would quickly fall asleep. Unfortunately, then I would wake up a half hour later, or an hour, or  even three, with the TV still flashing and …

Just a Little Extra Help Falling Asleep Read more »

In through your nose, out through your mouth. Out like a light. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if falling asleep easily was just as simple as breathing? Maybe it can be. You’ve likely noticed that you can change the way you feel almost instantly with a few breaths. You can rev up and energize with a few quick, powerful breaths. You’re able to focus your attention or calm down anger by taking several deep, steady breaths. You can relax and seemingly slow your world down by keeping your inhales and exhales slow and smooth. It’s even thought that certain breathing techniques …

Moon Breathing for Better Sleep? Read more »

When you’re looking for something – anything – to help you get to sleep, you’ll pursue quite a varied range of options. At Sleep Satisfaction, we’ve explored earplugs, sleep masks, sleeping pills, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, guided meditation, bedding, room temperature….the list goes on. It’s great to have all these different options to explore to find just the right assistance for your exact needs. Watching TV in bed seems to be one of the perennial favorites our readers cite as what they do to fall asleep. Personally, I used to be one of those who could not fall asleep without the …

Can the “Dullest Movie Ever” help you sleep? Read more »

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