Independence Day. Fourth of July. Whichever you prefer to call this quintessentially American holiday, it’s a day that means picnics, ball games, and pool parties. It’s all about hamburgers, hotdogs and ice cream. Sunglasses, shorts and sunburn. It’s often a much-needed day off work, and for lots of us, a couple of extra hours to sleep late. It can also mean fireworks being set off right in your neighborhood. Late into the night. In the yard next door or right behind you. Just yards away from your bedroom! I’m a fan of fireworks on the Fourth of July, and not …

Happy Independence Day! Read more »

  We wish you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous 2019. As we start this new year with hopes that you will make relaxation and great sleep a priority in your life, we’d like to share this beautiful music and these cozy scenes with you. Enjoy! Let’s make 2019 a great year!  

On the first day of Sleep-mas, my dream elves gave to me A mattress to help me sleep On the second day of Sleep-mas, my dream elves gave to me Two fluffy pillows, And a mattress to help me sleep On the third day of Sleep-mas, my dream elves gave to me Three sets of sheets, Two fluffy pillows, And a mattress to help me sleep On the fourth day of Sleep-mas, my dream elves gave to me Four blackout drapes, Three sets of sheets, Two fluffy pillows, And a mattress to help me sleep On the fifth day of …

♫ The Twelve Days of Sleep-mas ♪♪ Read more »

It’s that time of year again. I’m sure you’ve marked your calendars and are anxiously awaiting the official day when you can join other people in your town or city to bash the heck out of each other with…. pillows. Yes, I am indeed talking about the 9th annual International Pillow Fight Day, which, this year, falls on Saturday, April 7th. You didn’t know there was such a day? Well, lucky you’re reading this. Now you can join in. Each year, on the first Saturday of April, pillow fight events are organized around the world. You can find out whether …

Pillow Fight! Read more »

Happy 2018! 2018 – that number just sounds crazy for some reason. I’m probably showing my age by saying that, aren’t I? I admit it, I’m over 30 (ahem!) Okay, maybe a little bit more than that (cough, cough!) Never mind… The new year brings us a lot of things. A new calendar, the feeling of a fresh new start, a few extra pounds from a fun and delicious holiday season. It also seems to bring on conversations about New Year’s resolutions. I remember several years ago, going back to the office right after ringing in the New Year and …

New Year’s Resolutions – Yes or No? Read more »

The holiday season means a lot of things. It means family coming together, celebrations with friends, secret Santa parties at work. It means cooking dishes passed down through the generations, experimenting with new recipes seen online, cookie-storms of baking and sugar-coma inducing candy making sessions. It means serious bouts of house cleaning and the decking of our halls and trimming of our trees with all things red, green, gold, silver and glitter. And let’s not forget the careful placement of animated reindeer, elves, Disney and Simpsons characters on our front lawns and the untangling and stringing of miles and miles …

All I Want for Christmas is…Some Sleep Read more »

♪ It’s the most weariful time of the year ♫ But it shouldn’t, and doesn’t have to be! The holiday season – here it is again, and odds are you’re gearing up for this busy season by trying to cram additional household tasks, shopping trips, social events and family gatherings into your already busy schedule. What part of your allotted 24 hours per day will get short shrift? Work? Not likely. Work often seems to get even busier during the holidays. Maybe you work retail sales, or you provide services that everyone wants done right before special days like salon …

Christmas Holiday Season 2016 Read more »

Sleeping in Someone Else’s Bed? Or are you the someone else? This time of year, you may be looking at sleeping somewhere other than your own comfy bed at home. If you’re one of the lucky ones who will be home for the holidays, you may be providing beds or sleeping accommodations for your family or friends coming to visit. According to AAA, 48.7 million Americans are expected to hit the roads or airways for Thanksgiving this year. That’s almost 49 million souls who will be laying their weary heads down on unfamiliar hotel beds, family guest rooms, living room …

Sleeping Over the River and Through the Woods Read more » is owned and operated by Sleep Satisfaction, LLC. Information found on this site, or other sites linked to by us, is not intended to replace the advice of qualified physicians or healthcare professionals. Please consult your physician for advice concerning any medical condition and/or treatment.