Have you heard of bed rotting? Sounds gross, doesn’t it? Whether or not you’ve heard the trendy phrase, you are surely familiar with the notion. Maybe you’ve even done it. According to Health.com: “A booming new trend sweeping TikTok involves staying in bed for extended periods—not to sleep, but to do passive activities like eating snacks, watching TV, and scrolling through devices. The fad has been dubbed ‘bed rotting.’ ” It’s not a new concept. Plenty of us have either done it or fantasized about doing it. I don’t think I’ve ever spent an entire day in bed unless …

Bed Rotting…New Trend, Old Concept Read more »

“When did you last put yourself first?” This question screamed at me from an email subject line a few days ago. It came from Calm.com, the company we all know with the meditation and helping you sleep app. Since I had been struggling mightily to get anywhere near enough sleep for several nights before I saw that email, the thought came to me suddenly…”Sleep is self care. And I need some of both!” Of course, I already know that. I know it intellectually, and I truly believe it. But in the hustle-bustle of everyday life, and especially during particularly busy …

Sleep is Self Care Read more »

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