We’ve been talking a lot about bedtime stories around here. Of course, when you think of them, you immediately think about bedtime stories for kids. But bedtime stories for older adults is definitely a thing too. You just may not call them that. For the most part, older adults like the same kinds of bedtime stories as any other adults do. But there might be a few differences here and there. Maybe the difference has a lot to do with what kind of older adult we mean. Is it AARP’s definition of 50+? Are we talking about seniors, retirees, the …

Bedtime Stories for Older Adults Read more »

Adults love bedtime stories? Really?? Did you feel skeptical when you read that? Would you get funny looks if you declared it to your family, friends, co-workers? We all know that kids love bedtime stories. That’s a given. But as adults, we like to think of ourselves as mature, and sophisticated. Beyond anything so childish as a bedtime story. We are well-adjusted people who get into bed, turn the light out immediately, and simply fall asleep. Right? Hmmm…. I’ll admit it. That doesn’t always happen for me. Calming Your Nighttime Mind When I get in bed and turn off the …

Adults Love Bedtime Stories Too Read more »

Kids love bedtime stories. Parents, grandparents, and babysitters around the world know it well. If you’ve started this wonderful routine with your kids, you know they want – need – expect – crave this precious time with you. It may not feel like it when they’re doing everything possible to resist your efforts to get them ready for bed. But once you’ve corralled them and gotten them bathed and teeth brushed, you turn the lights down low, and you get all snuggled together in a comfy chair or their cozy bed. You have their favorite storybook, or maybe a new …

Kids Love Bedtime Stories Read more »

So…to sleep better, I need to have a positive mindset? Lack of sleep = negative mindset You probably intuitively understand that when you don’t sleep well or enough, you often wake up in a bad mood or feeling pessimistic. Waking up “on the wrong side of the bed” as it were. And there are studies showing that may be true. One such study published in the Journal of Sleep Research notes that we may be “more likely to be irritable and frustrated” when we’re short on sleep. The study also “suggests that sleep-deprived people are likely to perceive emotional stimuli …

A Positive Mindset Helps You Sleep Read more »

Falling asleep fast is a skill I have been blessed with for most of my life so far. I’ve been one of those irritating people who can basically just go horizontal and drift off within minutes. On the floor, on the couch, in a recliner, in bed. It hasn’t seemed to matter. My brain just seems to have been wired to easily fall into slumber when I give it the cues of lying down and closing my eyes. For most of my life, I said. Oh, I would still call myself a “good sleeper” in comparison to a lot of …

Sweet Music Helps You Relax and Fall Asleep Fast Read more »

When your body is tense, it’s really hard to fall asleep. Have you ever been lying in bed – very much not falling asleep – when you realize all your muscles in every part of your body are tensed up? When you realize how rigid you are, you might consciously start commanding each part of your body to let go. Suddenly you realize how tense you were when you feel your body start to sink into your bed instead of lying stiffly atop your mattress. If you’re like me, you might then go through that cycle of realizing you’re tense, …

Sleep Starts with Relaxing Your Body Read more »

Has it ever occurred to you that if you haven’t gotten enough sleep you should drink some water? The idea of hydration and sleep being related is not all that obvious or intuitive. When you get up from a too-short night of sleep or one where you didn’t sleep well, and you feel like…well…crap warmed over, having a nice glass of water is probably one of the last things you think of to help get you up and going. Many of us tend to rush for the nearest coffeepot, coffee shop, or can of pop to feel human again after …

Sleep Deprived and Dehydrated Read more »

Woman Making Bed

How do your bed making skills measure up? Yeah, right. You’re funny! Not bad. I throw the comforter up over the rest of the mess. Pretty good. Not everything is tucked perfectly, but you can’t tell that under the bedspread. Excellent. Everything is smoothed, straight, and tucked nicely. Perfection. Hospital corners, quarters bounce, the works. Depending on the day, I would say my answer would be somewhere in the pretty good to excellent range. Some days I take the time to plump the pillows, smooth the sheets, and make sure everything looks just so. Other days, it’s neat and tidy, …

Bed Making Skills – Where Did You Learn Yours? Read more »

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