Has it ever occurred to you that if you haven’t gotten enough sleep you should drink some water? The idea of hydration and sleep being related is not all that obvious or intuitive. When you get up from a too-short night of sleep or one where you didn’t sleep well, and you feel like…well…crap warmed over, having a nice glass of water is probably one of the last things you think of to help get you up and going. Many of us tend to rush for the nearest coffeepot, coffee shop, or can of pop to feel human again after …

Sleep Deprived and Dehydrated Read more »

Woman Making Bed

How do your bed making skills measure up? Yeah, right. You’re funny! Not bad. I throw the comforter up over the rest of the mess. Pretty good. Not everything is tucked perfectly, but you can’t tell that under the bedspread. Excellent. Everything is smoothed, straight, and tucked nicely. Perfection. Hospital corners, quarters bounce, the works. Depending on the day, I would say my answer would be somewhere in the pretty good to excellent range. Some days I take the time to plump the pillows, smooth the sheets, and make sure everything looks just so. Other days, it’s neat and tidy, …

Bed Making Skills – Where Did You Learn Yours? Read more »

Have you heard of ASMR? ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. According to Wikipedia, it provides an experience of “low-grade euphoria” that is brought on by hearing or seeing very specific (and very individual) sounds or sights. Low-grade euphoria, huh? Sign me up! While I could go on and on about this fascinating subject – and maybe I will in some future blog post – what I want to share with you today is a beautiful, calming, autumn scene. You’ll hear not only the sounds of birds singing and a breeze blowing through the fall leaves, you might also …

Autumn Calm and ASMR – for Relaxation and Sleep Read more »

It’s your last day of vacation. Aside from sad that it’s coming to an end, how do you feel? That simple question will elicit a lot of different responses, but they all seem to fall into several main categories: I feel wonderful! I did and saw so many new things. I’m energized and ready to get back to it! Ugh! I can’t believe I’m more tired than I was before this vacation. I was so busy the whole time, I never sat down to just relax. I feel renewed and rejuvenated. Having the time away from normal life responsibilities and …

Back From Vacation – Are You Well-Rested or Totally Exhausted? Read more »

There’s a little creature called a hydra, and it’s made news recently because it can sleep. Why is that newsworthy? Because the hydra doesn’t have a brain. It may not be obvious, but that is a pretty big deal. Think for a second. Do you know of anything that sleeps that doesn’t have a brain? Okay, get it out of your system. You know your brother-in-law/neighbor/coworker sleeps, but it’s questionable about them having a brain? Yep, we’ve all got those people in our lives. And yes, it felt good to say it. Brains Need Sleep We are all fairly comfortable …

Go To Sleep Little Hydra Read more »

Have you ever had a sleep study done? Or known someone who has? Or have you avoided having one because you didn’t want to have to sleep away from home in some clinical setting with electrodes stuck to all parts of you and strangers watching you on closed circuit TV all night? Is it just your imagination running wild thinking they might laugh at your mouth hanging open, or your talking in your sleep? Did you feel like there’s no way those clinicians with their fancy equipment were going to get an accurate picture of how you actually sleep in …

Is a More Comfortable Sleep Study Possible? Read more »

Has this ever happened to you? You’re so exhausted by the end of the day, you can barely keep your eyes open. All you can think about is falling face-first into your soft bed. You’re on your way there and then you get a shock that’s so horrifying you go into full blown fight-or-flight mode. You fear for your own safety and that of your loved ones. Your heart pounds, your legs go weak, your hands tremble. Sleep is the absolute last thing on your mind now, and with the adrenaline coursing through your body, it’ll be quite awhile before …

Is Fear Keeping You Awake? Read more »

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’ve read the advice about getting better sleep and taken it to heart. You try and do what you can to get yourself to bed at a decent time and get enough sleep. You don’t eat heavily or drink alcohol close to bedtime. You do your best not to consume a lot of caffeine past late afternoon. You don’t exercise right before bed. You turned on the blue light filter on your phone so when you check your emails or social media right before bed, the glow won’t trick your brain into staying awake. …

Wait…Blue Light Filters Don’t Help? Read more »

Sometimes all you need to fall asleep more easily is a little help in the form of a distraction, or some relaxation. Better yet, something that does both. I often find my mind spinning a thousand miles an hour after I climb in bed and turn the light off. That’s when my brain decides it needs to “solve the world’s problems” (mom quote!). I used to watch TV to distract my monkey-mind, and I would quickly fall asleep. Unfortunately, then I would wake up a half hour later, or an hour, or  even three, with the TV still flashing and …

Just a Little Extra Help Falling Asleep Read more »

We all want 2021 to be a much different year than 2020 was, and it’s clear turning the page on the kitchen calendar hasn’t swept away all the worries and challenges we’ve faced through these last ten plus months. But looking ahead to how we want this new year to go, one thing we can do is focus on the good things in our lives. All of them. Everyone has blessings to count. Family we treasure, friends we laugh with, neighbors who watch out for us.  A nice home, a safe neighborhood, a dependable vehicle. A good job, a supportive …

2021 Here We Come Read more »

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