Sounds of a Late Summer Night

Ahh, summer.

Whether you’re ready for cooler weather and glad to see the kids back in school, or you’re lamenting the fading of the warm and slower paced days, there’s just something about a peaceful summer night.

The sun sinks and disappears, the air cools and softens, and the daytime sounds of activity become a low hum of settling in for the night. What you hear now are leaves rustling in the breeze, crickets and katydids chirping and buzzing, frogs singing their rhythmic nighttime songs in the nearby lapping lake or trickling stream.

Okay, okay. I know. That’s an idyllic description, and one most of us aren’t lucky enough to have as the soundtrack of our nights.

But it can be…

Here are some offerings on YouTube that can lull you to sleep with the sounds of a late summer night.


Or if you prefer audio with a black screen, try these:


Happy sleeping and sweet end of summer dreams! is owned and operated by Sleep Satisfaction, LLC. Information found on this site, or other sites linked to by us, is not intended to replace the advice of qualified physicians or healthcare professionals. Please consult your physician for advice concerning any medical condition and/or treatment.